My fave

4 02 2008

Working on a psych unit, I have few “favorite patients,” yet this week I have a new one.  She is an elderly lady with dementia.  She is adorable and has a wonderful family.  She calls me “Mary” and “Mother Mary” every single day that I have worked with her.  When I asked her family who Mary was, I was told that there was no Mary in their family.  I have no idea where she gets this.  One of our nurses told me that she calls HER George every time that she works with our lady.  She is consistent.  I’ll give her that. 

She was talking about her kids and, of  course, I started talking about Jake.  I told her that he was cute.  And ornery.  She said, “Would you want them any other way?”(She has eight kids and countless grand kids)

When wheeling her around the unit, she kept talking about how she was on a cruise and was afraid of the water.  When a patient has dementia, I just go with whatever they are saying.  I asked her where we were cruising and reassured her that I would not let her near the water.

She talked yesterday about how she was a daddy’s girl and how she was so spoiled and got everything she wanted.  Then she said “I got things I didn’t even KNOW I wanted!”  And then she started laughing.  What a doll.

She is feisty and fun and I really enjoy working with her.  It is refreshing to work with a patient with spunk and life.  What is sad is when her family visits and I can tell that she is not herself and it upsets them.  If she is that fun with dementia, I can only imagine how fun she would be in her normal state.  And I really feel for her family.  I adore her and see how much her family loves her.  And then it inspires me to take that much better care of her and how I would want one of my family members treated.  I often need that reminder.  And I really hope and pray that she gets better.

Wii and mii

3 02 2008

For weeks, neither Jake nor I played the Wii.  I decided that we need to play it or sell it.  We have since picked up our playing time, so we will keep it for now.

The dog hasn’t been over since before we got the Wii.  He was over last night and I was playing. I noticed the dog standing in the hall staring at me.  I can only imagine what he was thinking.

” What on earth….???”

“Now, she’s gone and lost it. We knew it was just a matter of time.”

He cracks me up. I love how sweet and cuddly he is and how he still remembers me even When so much time passes between our visits.  Unfortunately dog + apartment + winter = not fun. Especially when said dog wants to go out at 3am. 

Up and running

2 02 2008

After nearly two weeks, my laptop is fixed.  I realized that I spend way too much time on the Internet, when I could be doing more important things, like watch TV.  Kidding.  I’m going to start limiting my time on the computer.  I’m not sure how.

I was thisclose to purchasing a Mac like my dear friend Sandra.  Getting this piece of crap thing fixed has been an ordeal. I use PC’s at both jobs and am beginning to have a deep loathing for them. This one works well and I got it fixed relatively cheap, so I’ll stick with it for now. Or I could sell it while it is still in prime condition. Hmmmm

That’s all for now. Too tired for any stories today. Maybe tomorrow when I’m at work.